Pathways to Student Affairs and Services Around the Globe

By: Tricia Seifert

When I was a kid, I dreamt of traveling the world. I remember friends from a youth organization (4-H) hosting an exchange student from Japan. I was in grade 4 and I wanted to learn all about this student’s life back home and how it compared to her experience in the US. When I was in high school, I begged my parents to become a host family. And then a year later, I begged them to be an exchange student myself. I was abroad with the American Field Service (AFS) as part of the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange in Germany in 1990-1991, the year of Germany’s reunification. In a sentence, the experience changed my life.

I have always been curious about how the every day experience may differ in another context, in another country. Maybe you have this same curiosity. Do you find yourself wondering: How does higher education operate in China? What does student affairs work look like in the Philippines? How do higher education institutions support student success in Mexico?

If you have these questions, then I have the virtual voyage for you. Set sail, from the comfort of your own couch, and join me as we go around the globe to learn about pathways to student affairs and services careers. ACPA – College Student Educators International and IASAS (International Association of Student Affairs and Services) have partnered in offering this awesome “Around the Globe” webinar series. Register today for the event Tuesday, October 27 (10 am EDT / 2 pm GMT).

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